First of all, if you're going to begin trying to age deer on-the-hoof, you'll want to know what not to do. Everyone always seems to think that the size of a buck's rack dictates his age, and that couldn't be further from the truth, so get a stack of Post-It Notes and put them over the antlers, we're aging deer, not measuring his rack. That being said, estimating the age of a buck isn't an exact science, nor is it 100% accurate every time, just like anything else, it's a skill, acquired overtime through tons of practice and experience gained by following through. More on that later.
You'll want your buck to be standing broadside to the camera, with his head up. You'll want him to be standing still, with his entire body visible and the camera parallel to the ground. |
Overtime, see if you can get multiple photos of the same buck, organize them in folders on your computer, and see if every photo coincides with what you estimate his age to be, if so, then you may be on to something.
Finally, follow through! You can guess age all day, but it won't do you any good or help you get any better if you don't follow through by pulling the jaw and estimating an age that way or by pulling an incisor and sending it off to a lab to get analyzed. It's like taking a test in high school, doesn't do you any good if you don't know what you got right and what you got wrong. We follow through when we throw a punch, we follow through when we shoot our bow, so why not follow through on checking the accuracy of our aging abilities?
Now, that we got that out of the way, the Quality Deer Management Association (QDMA) has a wealth of knowledge from all sorts of deer biologists with years and years of experience, so why not utilize it?! Hell, most of what I'm going to touch on you can read for yourself right here.
So let's ask ourselves, what kind of deer do we want to shoot? Are you wanting to just fill the freezer? Kill a mature stud? Kill a young 'n' tender - I mean yearling? Ultimately, a trophy is in the eye of the hunter. I've shot a button buck and felt just as excited as when I shot a six and a half year old stud, so for me to tell you what to kill is asinine. Kill what makes you happy!

Now, I can keep writing and go on and on, but I think visuals will work best for learning.
I always post this photo when people begin to ask about deer age as a quick aid to help out. I realize it's difficult to read so I'm going to type out the key points below.
1.5 Year Old 2.5 Year Old
- Looks like a doe with antlers - Slightly thicker body than a yearling's
- Thin neck and body proportions - Legs still look long compared to the body
3.5 Year Old 4.5 Year Old
- Looks like a toned athlete - Thick body and neck, stomach sags slightly
- Thicker neck and chest - Everything is in proportion - Solid antler growth
5.5 Year Old (and older)
- Everything is thick especially the neck
- Skin and belly start to sag
Even though, this is a great guide provided by Sigma Outdoors and Missouri DNR, there is no substitute for experience and practice.
Location, location, location! Again, this isn't an exact science, one size fits all method. Every deer is different and each area/region has it's differences. Let's face it, you can't even begin to compare a South Florida four and a half year old to a Saskatchewan four year old, you'd just end up confused and frustrated, which is why following through is so important! Gather your own data about the deer in your area, and use this all as a reference.
Below is another poster that was provided by the QDMA. If you'd like to purchase a large, laminated copy to display at your hunting camp, post up in your box blind or to reference out in the field, you can do so here.
For now, here you are:
I can't begin to tell y'all how grateful I am to have your support, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy day to read this little blog. If you have any suggestions or comments, feel free to let me know! If you would like to see more of what I'm up to, or just follow along with my endeavors, I'd love to have you! Check out my Instagram page @Johnson.Outdoors or my YouTube Channel here, to see my latest hunts and videos, until next time, good luck out in the field, and God bless!
-Chris Johnson