Hey everyone! And thank you for visiting Johnson Outdoors! Today I'm going to talk about adapting to new changes and learning new ways to overcome any obstacles that may be in your way.
For those readers that are new to my little blog, or for those that didn't already know, I am active duty military (U.S. Coast Guard), but I'm doing everything I can to follow my dream of making a name for myself in the outdoor industry. One of the ways I'm doing that is by, not only writing in this blog, but also trying to film my hunts throughout the country and taking advantage of every opportunity I'm afforded.
When I transfer to a new unit, I get a small say in where I go; it's called a "dream sheet". With this "dream sheet" I am given a list of billets (jobs) that are open for the position I hold, then you get to list those from the places you want most, to those you want the least. When choosing my billet, I think about not only the unit and what that might be like, but also where it's located and what sort of hunting and fishing opportunities I may be afforded there. These past couple months I've been doing just that, I got transferred from South Florida, where I'm from, to Northern Illinois. Huge change right?
My biggest adjustment came with figuring out what type of freshwater fish were up here and how to target them. Luckily for me, I'm stationed with a friend that's grown up fishing the Great Lakes, so I was able to learn a lot from him. Unlike South Florida fishing, here, its mostly panfish and catfish that get targeted so small hooks and nightcrawlers or leeches get the best results. First time out we ended up with six channel cats, so its safe to say that i think I'll be just fine with fishing up here.
It's a huge difference hunting up here compared to down south, the regulations are vastly different and I'm still getting used to learning how everything is up here. Only way to learn is to get out there and try right? So I've gotten all my licenses, and since Illinois is a primarily bowhunting state, there are a good amount of public land areas that allow bowhunting only, I've looked up the different public land areas around me and what they require to hunt them. I've also applied for a couple firearm permits so should I not be successful with the bow, I can still try with my shotgun which will also be a new experience for me. So stay tuned for any updates on how my season goes up here.
Overcoming Obstacles
So as anyone trying to get into this industry knows, it takes a ton of blood, sweat, and tears. And over these past few years, I can tell you there are more tears than anything else, but if you're willing to put in the work and not give up, there are plenty of opportunities out there! This past weekend I had a fantastic opportunity to meet some of the biggest names in the hunting industry at Deer Fest. I got to talk with Lee and Tiffany Lakosky, Pat and Nicole Reeve, and Kip Campbell! I've looked up to these people my whole life and getting the chance to meet and talk hunting with them was by far the coolest thing I could have ask for.
So, what was taken away from this? There are many genuine people in the industry, and even though you always hear that, it's nice to see the truth behind it. I've looked up to these people so much and to see that they truly live up to their name and are genuinely great people. It puts things into perspective that as long as you stay yourself and remain humble, there is a spot for you in this industry. And even though I held these men and women in high regards before, now, I have gained even more respect for them and everything they've accomplished.
-Chris Johnson
Hey Chris I'm here Big Country! I support ya 100% I read your blogs man! I pay attention to the small things! Keep doing you big guy! Proud of ya! - lovett